

These are some spreads from my photozine called “schetsen” issue 2. All images have been taken in and around Amsterdam in 2024. All images are selected from my ongoing series. 

“schetsen” issue 2
44 pages
42 color images
90 grams roman paper
40 copies

These are some spreads from my photozine called “AUTOMOBIL”. All images have been taken in Berlin in summertime 2023 and 2024. 

I couldn’t help but notice all beat up and neglected cars. Most of them still very much still working. 

48 pages
46 images
90 grams roman paper
40 copies

These are some spreads and process shots from my 44 page photozine called ‘ciao’.

All pictures were taken last summer (2023) in or around the Tuscany region in Italy.

The contrast between beauty and neglect or roughness always surprise me. Cool to see these characteristics go hand-in-hand in Italian streets and alleys.

44 pages
42 color images
90 grams roman paper
40 copies

15 euro excl. shipping
if you’e a copy

design, concept and photography by me

A couple of spreads from my photozine ‘schetsen’.

This publication was designed to go with a set of larger prints displayed during my first exhibition at our previous studio.

It is a carefully curated selection of photos I made in 2022, all taken in Amsterdam. The time and date noted give a little context to these observations.

32 pages
29 images
90 grams roman paper
40 copies

A couple of spreads from my zine DELICT.

There is a lot of beat up cars and broken street furniture in my archive. For this publication I decided to put two and two together.

Had a lot of fun looking for visual relations between images and framing them in a inevitable and funny way.

44 pages
42 images
90 grams roman paper
40 copies

inevitable and funny way.


In 2021 my submission “Looking for Story” got selected for the GUP New 2021 edition. GUP New is a annual book series showcasing the 100 best submerging  Dutch photographers. 

These series is a collection of analog images I took strolling through Utrecht. Below the spreads from the GUP New book. To the right some images and spreads from the zine.